The Captain’s Log

Adventures in evolution!

Exploring the frontiers of Human Consciousness, our relationships with Nature, the Earth, Sun, Stars and All of Life. 
Template of Home- Creating Home J9

Template of Home- Creating Home J9

There is so much in this course about embodiment. About how the home we live in of our body and the home of our house or apartment are both aspects of us and our way of being in the earth plane and with Nature. There was a piece in this one looking at how can we bond knowing it’s all impermanent. Whether it’s your body and life and you know we all die, or an apartment you are leasing that you won’t stay in forever, how do we allow ourselves to sink into it, choose it, bond with it?

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Beings of Play and Co-Creation- Creating Home J8

Beings of Play and Co-Creation- Creating Home J8

I love me a good inter-dimensional travel journey. This fits the bill. In this one I had the sense of “Oh I want to be in THAT dimension!” It made so much sense to me and felt fun. With this journey as a road map and tour guide, I do get to go and play there whenever I choose, even if I don’t live there.

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Highest Potentials of Home- Creating Home J7

Highest Potentials of Home- Creating Home J7

It reminded me of how when we are in the void things are dark and confusing, sometimes uncomfortable. But that in that space, we are readying and opening for beautiful new things, better matching things, things and ways of being that are more who we are at core. This journey felt like a gentle loving midwife, helping me find those higher pathways, and helping me to trust and open and move into those higher flows in the perfect divine timing for all of me.

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Filling in Soul Qualities- Creating Home J3

Filling in Soul Qualities- Creating Home J3

Feel the energy in this journey and then find the energy of what you are considering, pull them into one another and see if they go together, or if they are they more like oil and water, repellent. You could do this for a new home you are considering or apply it to your current home or things you are thinking of bringing into your home too, I suppose.

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