The Captain’s Log

Adventures in evolution!

Exploring the frontiers of Human Consciousness, our relationships with Nature, the Earth, Sun, Stars and All of Life. 
Temple of Soul Qualities - Preparation for Motherhood - J8

Temple of Soul Qualities - Preparation for Motherhood - J8

Releasing Ancestral Karma, this journey can assist you to release patterns from your ancestral line that are not relevant for the evolution of your lineage, not useful to your child. These patterns can keep the babies from coming in. For some women, this is a key to conception and pregnancy.

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Filling in Soul Qualities- Creating Home J3

Filling in Soul Qualities- Creating Home J3

Feel the energy in this journey and then find the energy of what you are considering, pull them into one another and see if they go together, or if they are they more like oil and water, repellent. You could do this for a new home you are considering or apply it to your current home or things you are thinking of bringing into your home too, I suppose.

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