Pet Clinic September 30 2024 - General Notes
Thanks for the trust and for joining our 30th pet clinic!!
Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below.
(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).
September 30 2024 Pet Clinic Pack!
Today’s session:
22 animals
13 Dogs
8 Cats
1 Horse
Areas of the world represented:
Our founding core pack:
Woburn, Massachussetts, one dog Maizie
Liechtenstein, one dog Joy
Ridgefield, Connecticut, two dogs Luna and Ava
Sacramento, CA two dogs Jane and Winston
Warwick, RI one dog Mango
Lille, France one cat Pinda
Pasadena, CA one cat Ginger
Seattle, WA one cat Roosey
Additional animals committed to joining all year:
Carlsbad, CA one dog Olive
Providence, RI two cats Dexter and Shadow
Ottawa, CA 2 kittens—Pash and Coco
Seattle, WA one dog, Beatrice
Yet to be reunited (similar to a Vibrational Child preconception or pre-adoption situation)
Central Coast, CA one dog or cat, yet to be reuinited
Cental Coast, CA one horse, yet to be reunited
Warwick, RI one cat or dog yet to be reunited
Liechtenstein, One puppy, yet to be reunited
Welcome to the 30th Pet Clinic! It delights me and surprises me too that as we’ve simply shown up and walked these days and months that we’ve reached 30 sessions! I think about all we’ve learned and accomplished in this time about ourselves, Pan, our Earth, and our beloved animals.
Because of the way I have set this up, you don’t see one another’s personal intentions or personal notes. The intentions come in all sorts of wonderful ways, each as unique as you and your pets! And I’d like to share some of the pet’s intentions, because it’s fun to receive intentions this way, and to encourage those of you who aren’t yet doing this, why not give it a try?
Heidi asks Ginger, “Do you have an intention for the session today?”
Ginger replies:
My intention today is to be open. Open to the energies, the frequencies the light that Alaya brings in and that we have access to. This is important to be able to expand and grow individually and as a group. It will help so many. And try it’s what our group is about. Helping the self and to help the many. I’m looking forward to working with my team. Joy, I miss Joy. I wonder what will come through for us. Peace, I hold the energy of peace. I feel more peace these days. Peace from within and peace in my home. Thank you Heidi. I love Alaya and Mango and really enjoy working with them, I’m grateful to be helping humanity and the animals across the globe. We are all getting stronger, you, me Alaya and our group as a whole. I am grateful to be a part of the whole with this team. 🐈💗
And for Carin it comes through a little differently for Pinda. You may recall that Pinda lost her best friend Indie last month.
Pinda talks about clearing, traveling, Nature Whales and Animals. Connecting to Indie and the other guides. She is so happy and serene :)
You are welcome to send your intentions however it comes through you or your animal. And I find these intentions and experiences that come from the animals themselves to be special, and also to reinforce our human-pet partnership we are nurturing, practicing, and developing here in Pet Clinic.
As for the session, I’ll share a couple things so far. I’ve read through all of your notes and written notes back to you that I’ll send before the end of the day. If I receive something from you I’ll always email you personally back. If I don’t receive anything, know that I still include your animal in the group as well as checking in with them 1:1 and will email you if there is anything important.
We’ve done the first round of nrg, and I’m going to let that settle while I take Mango outside for a quick walk and we both get some fresh air. When I first called in the energies and beings that work with us for Pet Clinic, Indie came in as a part of that which we did talk about last session. How special.
In this first round of nrg I was predominantly aware of our big group energy body forming and partnering with other aspects of Nature and Earth, as well as of the individual clearing work.
The clearing is one of the most important and central things we do during each session for each animal.
I wrote about this in September. Click here or the picture to read if you haven’t yet had the chance.
A lot of tip to tail energy clearing of spines, and some clearing of energy concentrations that might have accumulated and even created some kind of physical appearance like a bump, clearing heat, that kind of thing.
The other thing of note is that most of you know I’ve been on a bit of a walkabout for a couple years now and am ready for a home. Mango and I’ve been ready but the energy hasn’t set up at previous attempts to find a place to land. It’s like I try and in the past have bounced—hadn’t been able to stick the landing in prior attempts.
Recently we were guided down to Alexandria, VA where we looked and looked, and then within a short time frame the flow carried us rapidly back to Rhode Island. I’ve looked at a LOT of places even in the short time we’ve been here and nothing had felt like it was gelling.
This morning as clinic was getting going, one of the places we saw last week texted and everything seemed to open up. I feel that the animals and the energy of Pet Clinic are supporting Mango and me around this.
In the nrg I was thinking about the place, caught myself and thought—this isn’t about me and steered my mind back to the animals. However, I felt them all steering it back to this inquiry and experienced their energy strongly as a group helping. I felt /understood them to express their love for us, and that it’s important that Mango and I have a home. I could feel us all—the whole pack feeling what it would be like to do Pet Clinic from this home, this land, this particular spot. Like we were all scoping it out to make sure it can hold all the light and be a good foundation for Mango and me the critters that we are, but also for Pet Clinic vortex and other energy vortices and systems like Beacon and Vibrational Child and Human Clinics/nrg sessions that we regularly offer and create. Coming out of the nrg I had a very promising text from the listing agent. We’ll see!
In the second nrg session, I spent more time focusing on and with each of your animals. One of them presented as a panther, which they sometimes do in these sessions—present as another incarnated form they have experienced.
When expanding out as a group, we connected again with all of the leylines/regional specific energy where you live. Expanding beyond that with our group energy, I was aware of frequencies that felt new to Earth. It seemed we were available to receive and process or integrate / digest some of these energies for our own benefit as well as part of our world service to Nature and Earth and the One Work of light, of love and evolution. We spent some time acclimating, harmonizing, stabilizing with these energies.
As usual it was a big energy session and day. I imagine some of your animals if not all will be pleasantly rested and/or energized. :)
Please remember to clear your home space and office space too if you have one. Monthly is a good periodicity, more often as you feel. That link is here:
This is important for all of us and if it’s not part of our routine it can feel like a lot or we might forget. This is especially important for 2 of you and I will share that in personal emails. If I don’t specify it in your email, then assume “yeah, it’s mine to do”, but I’m not specifically calling you out that Pan and the guides said it was necessary for your animal or animals.
It’s a wrap! I’m going to start sending your personal emails now.
Thanks for joining Pet Clinic!
See you next month.
Alaya and Mango
NEXT PET CLINIC October 29th, 2024
Why monthly sessions?
In addition to the fact that our animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure.
They have formed a solid light together and work together
It is easier to work with them
They shift more easily and receive more
They get excited and look forward to the sessions each month
One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over a year and a half ago told me she was ready to die. Now this dog is doing well. The vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems.
If you read the notes from our August session, one of our core pack cats had a diagnosis of only days or weeks to live with a grim outlook on symptoms and quality of life in that time period. He wasn’t going upstairs or outside any longer. In that session, the core pack and all animals circled around the cat to focus light on him and send him off well. Instead, the cat used the light to heal. It is now October and the report is as follows: Everybody has been telling me how good and healthy he seems to be. I have to agree that he does look better than the whole of last year 😅 he has been more active since last clinic, and going outside again for the last couple of weeks . He had been asking in earnest for ten days and getting agitated. (Update: he is still with us in November).
I think these experiences are testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month.
I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.
Monthly NRG for Humans on Zoom is June 19th <—-sign up link
When you keep yourself clear and balanced, it helps our animals so much. They are relieved of needing to absorb some of those extra energies or patterns in service to you. Learn more about these sessions here.
Remember to take care of yourself too, which indirectly also takes care of all in your sphere including your pets.