Clearing to Reveal Core Energy

 Allow for well-being, self-awareness, the Divine Plan unfolding as part of our evolution into New Earth reality.

A Study: Pet Clinic and Vibrational Child

By Alaya

In my work with animals often, especially when they first join pet clinic, it’s necessary for me to assist the animal to release all of the human emotional, impersonal energies they have absorbed from their families and environment. I can be looking at the animal⁠1 and while I can see them and find them, I cannot see or find their essence readily. It’s like they are a blob of the owner’s energy. Sometimes when I begin to engage with the animal, all I can sense is the owner’s face or signature.

The first time I encountered this it was very strong and confusing. Where was the animal? I could feel them and knew I was connected with them, but it was like sensing them deep within cotton. After a time, I could find the tiniest tendril of their pure energy signature. Once I found that I knew exactly what was going on and how to help.

In these cases (at least the ones I’ve worked with) the owner is well-meaning of course. That is always my assumption. They have signed their animal up for Pet Clinic, a clearing and healing session, and love their animal dearly. However, something is going on they don’t realize is impacting their animal’s well-being.

Maybe the owner worries a lot. Or maybe they have a lot going on in their lives and are overwhelmed. It’s also possible that everything is perfectly fine at home. However, more often than not when an animal is this congested with the owner’s energy, there are emotional challenges in the home or long-standing anxiety, worry or other emotional patterns that the human partner is managing in their current incarnation.

Sometimes, and you may know stories like this, a companion animal will take on an owner’s cancer, for example. The owner will miraculously heal and the animal will die of the cancer. It is their service to do this. And, we have the ability to assist them to clear these energies they take on by default.

In my view, this dynamic between humans and nature is evolving. It’s on us to show up a bit differently.

When I encounter this cotton cloud or obfuscation of an animal’s essence, usually it’s very dark-looking. Not that the owner is necessarily dark, but that this energy that the owner did not process, whether it be anger or grief or confusion or something else they chose not to process or didn’t have the awareness or skills to process and clear themselves, the animal has absorbed it and it’s obscuring the animal’s light.

Again, in my understanding, this has been one of the primary areas of service that companion animals, and in fact all of nature, has provided for humans. This dynamic must change, and is changing, as we co-create and move into the timeline of new earth.

When I encounter this, what must happen first before any other healing, communicating or world service co-creative work can happen, is to support the animal to release all of this energy that is not theirs and restore their vital flow and life force essence and energy. 

Because I know what I’m feeling and looking for, eventually I will be able to sense their unique spark of light. It can be quite obscured but it is always there. Always!

Eventually, this light that is who and what they really are begins to gain purchase and be the dominant energy in their system. This energy of theirs will naturally begin combining with my efforts to clear their system. It’s exponential once we get going in this co-creative process.

The animal will sometimes remark as this energy is clearing and their essence is filling in, “Wow!” “I didn’t know!” I’ll tell them, “Yes! This is you! This is what you have always been!”

My experience is they beam with joy. Sometimes they are looking around in wonder and awe, taking it all in.

I let them know that they do not have to take on that energy of their family. Sometimes we find other roles that are their higher purpose, like helping to hold a certain type of energy and connection stable for a baby or young child who is their partner.

Many companion animals have been living or are currently living in a cloud of human energies. This is their normal. They absorb this energy, because it’s what they are, not because of a conscious choice to do so. They may not have a clue there is any other option, having only known this as normal since kittenhood or puppyhood, and possibly in many incarnations. It’s not a conscious active choice, it’s default.

In some cases where an animal may be on the verge of leaving their body because they cannot heal themselves due to this service they have provided their human family, I have seen months if not years of life extension and/or improved health and vitality once this is cleared and kept clear.

 It is my wish all animals are supported as equals in our earth journey and partnership with them, honored for their role in our lives. They deserve to experience their own divine spark and natural self-healing ability. At this time on earth from what I’ve seen, nature absorbs human unprocessed energy. Humans need to transmute the human energies. From what I have experienced, animals can absorb but cannot clear or transmute this energy without our help.

Having helped a group of animals through Pet Clinic with initial and ongoing maintenance clearing for over two years, they have taught me much. We do much more than simply clearing in pet clinic, although it would be enough. Working with these animals is a joy, privilege and blessing.

Working with animals is much simpler than assisting human beings. There are in my experience fewer layers and no resistance.

Children however, for the most part, are very easy to work with at these energy levels of Source, Soul, physical, mental, emotional energy bodies. They are more similar to animals in how quickly and effortlessly they shift when given the opportunity.

In the last week, two of our vibrationalchild community children, both under the age of 2 have come to me needing help with the same thing that the animals need, as described above. When I say “came to me” I mean telepathically, energetically. Like getting a phone call and having a conversation in real time on the inner planes. 

Some background: When a group of baby spirits first came to me and asked me to start a service called  Vibrational Child⁠, I was given a lot of information about why they were asking for my help. One of the concerns or requests had to do with this:  They were adamant it is not their purpose or divine plan to take on their parents’ energy, karma or patterns. This as I understand it is a shift from my generation or generations that preceded your kids, the kids that have been incarnating now for a while.⁠3

Within the last week, the two children who came to me I’ve known since before they were conceived. Their moms and I worked together in private sessions, classes and group programs in order to co-create their family.  I’ve worked with these children in group healing sessions and private sessions since they arrived here in their bodies. We know each other well, and they know how to reach me.

They each came to me at different times, both showing me how their bodies either had been fully overshadowed by someone else’s energy, or that it was in process of happening.

In one case, I let the mom know so that she could intervene and disrupt that process. In that case, the situation was more severe as the cloud of energy that the little one was at the mercy of were patterns, projections and energies of his father and father’s lineage. He has been clear with his mom and me since before birth that it is not his to take on his father’s patterns, just like that early group of baby beings let me know it is not their purpose to take on and transmute or absorb or carry forward any of these old earth-human-ancestral patterns.

 The second one came to me at night, a little girl who showed me her system. She was full of dark energy. It wasn’t hers, I knew that. And it wasn’t her immediate family’s either. She told me she had been with another family over the Labor Day weekend. She had taken on some of this family’s energy. I let her know it’s not hers and she doesn’t have to take it on.

There seemed to be some unconscious belief level within that family that it is how you survive. I let her know that it is not the case. She didn’t know how to release the energy on her own. I helped her, cleared it, and I think she has a better idea now of how to recognize that energy and how not to take it on. Again, she recently turned 1, so this conversation and energy exchange is happening telepathically, remotely. I have not yet checked in with her mother. I asked if I needed to tell the mom and was told that I did not. This lesson was for the little girl. However, I may share it to see what the experience was from her mom’s side. My guess is that the little girl had some behavioral or emotional challenges until we did the clearing last night.

With the little boy, it’s a bit different because it’s in his own family. This is something his mom has been aware of and choosing to move forward with the relationship as it’s part of her soul’s purpose to be with this partner.

In working with the little boy, I was able to see what kinds of energy would help him, and in a private session, help the mom with the whole enchilada—both what she needs for herself to stay steady and develop what’s next for her soul’s learning path, but also what steps to take to help her son maintain his connection with his divine spark and fill in with his own energy, rather than succumbing to his father’s lineage way of taking on the lesser/lower resonance patterns of the forebears.

There’s a bit of a transition going on in Human Evolution and I need to acknowledge, because I can imagine reading this could be both validating —a part of you knows this already— and also super annoying.  It may feel like you have done so much work! So much! About 10 years ago (it’s 2024 now) I called it the “Triathlon Times Billiondy”. And it’s still going on! I experience increasing ease and joy in the process and experience of the steep growth curve of this lifetime, but it’s steep and I experience it as I walk through time.  All to say you are not alone, you are not doing anything wrong. You are human and evolving, learning, growing, being and becoming.

It is for these reason that I always recommend that human parents of children and partners of animal companions practice clearing their home environment at least monthly, if not weekly. It is also one reason I offer energy sessions for humans once a month. We must take responsibility for our own energy and the way we are engaging nature and the projections we place on one another.

Are we engaging the full cocreative potential of these relationships, or are we releasing our emotions for Nature to absorb because it’s what we do, unconsciously?

We have the opportunity to become more conscious of how we are partnering with Nature and supporting the next generations, to step up our participation, to lift the veils and to be FREE. 

Did you know there are human beings and teams of human beings that are cleaning up eons of this goo we’ve left behind, embedded in nature due to massacres and atrocities of man v.s man, as well as the smaller tragedies and traumas of simply being a human in this dimension?

This is World Service for some of us. For a long time, it has been the way. To create mess, to live into the storyline so that we could learn, and then later, some generations later or lifestream “later” to clean it up and purify it, so that New Earth can emerge as THE reality. The Real.


For New Earth, does it feel like “the way”, to make messes for others to clean up or for us in a future timeline to clean up?

Where are we as Humanity right now in this moment?

Where are you personally in your evolutionary arc now as it relates to this information?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. We are all on this journey and adventure in our own way. 

Where are we right now in this moment?

Where are you now?

Things you can do:

•            Set a clear intention of your own crafting. For example: To become conscious of the energies I’m living in and around, to take responsibility for transmuting my own unprocessed energies, and to be purely myself, clear and radiant and free.  See more intention ideas here.⁠

•            See your child as they are, their unique divine spark. Focus on that, know this about them, and tend it gently, purely, strongly like you would a spark of a flame.

•            Clear your home energetically regularly. I like Perelandra’s Simplified Energy Cleansing Process⁠. You can find it via their website and the link below, although when I hyperlink this it didn’t work. So you can cut and paste the URL.

I do not experience that simply burning sage is effective. You have to know what you are doing to clear a space, simply using smoke is not effective. For example, it might push some entities out for a while, but doesn’t help them actually go to the light.

•            Give your animals the cleanest water and food you can afford. Use your imagination to envision pure white light within and around them. Take responsibility for your feelings, emotions and thoughts and ask for help when you need it. Thank your animals for all they do for you.


More Links:


Pet Clinic

nrg sessions for Humans

Welcome to Vibrational Child Intro Meditations

Welcome to Vibrational Child Podcast



1 I am not physically present with the animal but am able to see them remotely in private sessions or in pet clinic.

2 A group of baby spirits or baby beings that looked like little green fireflies came to a meditation and asked me for my help. See Vibrationalchild podcast

3 t might not be ALL children, but it’s the children that I work with, and I believe you know in your gut, your heart if this is true for your child .


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