Pet Clinic January 25 2024 - General Notes
Thanks for the trust and for joining our 34th pet clinic!!
Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below. If you are new and aren’t sure what to expect, please go to our welcome note.
(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).
Today’s session:
17 animals
12 Dogs
5 Cats
Areas of the world represented:
Our core pack:
Seattle, WA one cat Roosey
Woburn, Massachussetts, one dog Maizie
Sacramento, CA two dogs Jane and Winston
Liechtenstein, one dog Joy
Lille, France one cat Pinda
Ridgefield, Connecticut, two dogs Luna and Ava
Pasadena, CA one cat Ginger
Portland, OR one dog Mango
Encinitas, CA Olive
Seattle, WA Bea
Additional animals in our session:
Central Coast, CA one cat, Roshi
Ottawa, Canada one cat Pasha
Whidbey Island, WA one dog, Sadie
Yet to be reunited (similar to a Vibrational Child preconception or pre-adoption situation)
Portland, OR one cat or dog yet to be reunited
Liechtenstein, One puppy, yet to be reunited
Communication, connection, and partnership with your pet.
Because of the way I have set this up, you don’t see one another’s personal intentions or personal notes. The intentions come in all sorts of wonderful ways, each as unique as you and your pets! And I’d like to share some of the pet intentions, because it’s fun to receive intentions this way, and to encourage those of you who aren’t yet doing this, why not give it a try?
I’ll share some in the section below if you choose to do this and I have your permission.
You are welcome to send your intentions however it comes through you or your animal. And I find these intentions and experiences that come from the animals themselves to be special, and also to reinforce our human-pet partnership we are nurturing, practicing, and developing here in Pet Clinic.
Essentially, these sessions are for your animals. You may have things you want from them or for them, and ultimately these sessions support their evolution, health and balance.
I was thinking last night that folks in Pet Clinic are enhancing their innate skills at animal communication, becoming confident, or unearthing new aptitudes they didn’t even know they had. This happens in our human nrg and other offerings for humans and always has. Just keep showing up and over time your skills begin to reveal themselves and develop organically. Actively engage with our human offerings and they may develop rapidly.
Session Notes from Alaya
Mango and I are now in the pacific time zone, and for pet clinic the deal is I begin at 10am my time—so the timing of Pet Clinic will be undergoing a shift. The primary impact will be that our group notes and your personal notes will show up later, and you’ll have a bit more time to get me yours and your animal’s intentions and notes. For today, we are still adjusting to the time difference and we’ll see how the flow goes! Normally we have our morning routine before pet clinic, but we’ve been up for a while and have already been out in the dark for first walk and pee. :)
One of the ways we accessed the spaces today was through the nature and location of where each of our pack resides, your hometowns and countries, the rivers, oceans, mountains and forests around where you live.
Our animals were replenished, nourished by both the solar light, as well as earth energy.
The energy has felt different today. I have been in the energy a lot, needing to surrender to the shifts at hand.
Rooting and Connecting
New pathways, rooting in the earth and new connections of light and consciousness among and between our animals and earth and beyond. At one point I saw my dog Mango in the earth like a plant bulb —a bulbous shape around her and roots coming out of it connecting into the earth. And she was connected to Indie and her highest ladder rung. A core of light connecting them. And from them, connections to all the animals (from realms of light and earth, anchored by Mango and Indie).
Old stuck energy held in the body or energy body around animal.
Other notes
We have a number of senior animals in our pack now. Many of us have been working together now since the first pet clinic, and that was 34 months ago, and some of them were already on their way out at that time and pet clinic seems to have prolonged lifespan for at least two of them who are still with us 34 months later. About half are in a range of transitioning process now. As evidenced by Maizie and Pinda, that could mean 3 or more years! We don’t know about the timeline. The point I’m trying to delicately make is there is an aging process showing in tangible ways for some of our pet clinic pack.
In my awareness, we work with the animals health and balance in accordance with their divine plan and next steps. For some of them, I hear very clearly that a manifestation of disease for example is just fine by them, it’s how their body knows how to unravel and move on. They are at peace, even delighted by how their body is functioning and helping with their plan. They don’t have the same thoughts or feelings about it as we do.
In some cases the light will actually shrink or dissolve or untangle things that may have manifested as a mass. Other times, the animal wants it as it is. We always respect the divine order of things. Our animals will engage and partake of what’s offered in ways that are highest and best for them. It’s an honor to witness and be with them at these levels.
They all needed drinking of nourishment either from solar light or earth love and nourishment or both.
And I experienced the generations —akin to Indie’s sharing today. The way the kittens and younger animals are playing new roles, the elderly playing their roles, and the two in this session who are “preconception” or not yet reunited with family came into the energy as part of their roles in divine timing.
Alaya and Mango
p.s. Scroll down to post and read comments and post session notes from humans and animals. Enjoy!
NEXT PET CLINIC February 23, 2025
Why monthly sessions?
In addition to the fact that our animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure.
They have formed a solid light together and work together
It is easier to work with them
They shift more easily and receive more
They get excited and look forward to the sessions each month
One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over two years ago told me she was ready to die. Now this dog is doing well. The vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems.
If you read the notes from our August 2023 session, one of our core pack cats, Pinda, had a diagnosis of only days or weeks to live with a grim outlook on symptoms and quality of life in that time period. He wasn’t going upstairs or outside any longer. In that session, the core pack and all animals circled around the cat to focus light on him and send him off well. Instead, Pinda used the light to heal.We’ll see. The report from October 2023 was as follows:
Everybody has been telling me how good and healthy he seems to be. I have to agree that he does look better than the whole of last year 😅 he has been more active since last clinic, and going outside again for the last couple of weeks . He had been asking in earnest for ten days and getting agitated. (Update: he is still with us in November).
I think these experiences are testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month.
It is now November 2024 and you can see Pinda’s photo and intention in the November 2024 group notes. He is still with us at this time. He has some things to share with me in November 2024 about his role with his family, his mate Indie who passed earlier this year, and in the forming and ripening of the Pet Clinic gridwork. He is telling me it’s now complete, his Purpose. He may be joining Indie soon.
I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.