Build your skill at finding things as energy.

You know when you are aligned, connected and in flow.

There is an aspect of Human Clinic that is designed to create self-awareness and clarity about energy exchange. It has the potential to create confidence and reset everything about your relationship to money, love, health, success, abundance, prosperity, wealth.


You have a role to play. 

When this aspect of the clinic is in alignment,

the potential for our group prosperity and abundance in all areas of our lives is off the charts.

Everyone will go higher riding the flow of the group waves.

I see the potential upward spiral.

Get excited. It is unlimited.

What is your role?

Instead of assuming that the entire price range is a good range for you, think of it more like you are on a treasure hunt, with a keen eye for one bright spot in that range that clicks into place for you.

There is a price that is optimal for you that supports your receiving and integration.

It is your responsibility to use your skills and discern what your sweet spot is, where the energy sings, before you sign up.

You can use a pendulum, muscle testing (PKTT) or simply hear an answer. Ask for clarity, commit to the truth, take a breath and let yourself know.

  1. Ask “What is the exchange rate for Human Clinic that is a match for me?”

  2. Or ask, “What amount of money is the sweet spot for me to pay that is the pure alignment for me personally, that clicks in with the potential for unlimited prosperity for myself and allows me to join and contribute to the upward spiral of the group?”

  3. Clearly intend and state, “I want the truth.”

  4. Sign up at that level.

An example of what it could look like.

Joan resonates at $150 in May, $160 in June, $225 in August.

Mark resonates at $225 all year.

Susan is new and resonates at $150 for six months and then $165 and then $170, then $150 and then $250 after some months.

Lily resonates at $175 and that is steady and just right for 2 years.

Your optimal level or range is likely different than someone else’s.

What if there is a gap?

If the amount you hear or test for is more than you perceive you can afford, can you still sign up?

If you can afford it but don’t value it at the level you clearly hear is your sweet spot, then no, please do not sign up.

If you do truly value it and sincerely are open to receive, but simply can’t stretch at the physical level where the energy is telling you you are a match…

My current stance is yes. I really want this to be accessible for you.

And I ask that you please read how it can work if you choose this. Please also honor yourself and me for our good and pure intent as we experiment and align with the highest vision of what we can co-create.

I’ll share what feels important right now. See below. Please read it if this gap applies to you.

I plan to take this one session at a time. I’ll be learning more about how to do this well and what is required from me during each session.

For me, I do feel it when there is a gap, when the exchange is off. From my perspective, it does not impact anyone else and what they personally receive.

What feels important at this time if you have a gap:

It’s important that you own the truth. Let it have some sunlight. There is no judgment or shame at all. We all have these gaps in different areas!

We are all learning, developing our potential, unveiling our True Selves, ascending, etc, yada yada. We are human! It’s normal.

Can you participate in the clinic and receive in order to fill the gap?

I think so. Let’s try it. Set that as part or all of your intention. Hold your head high. Claim the truth of what the energy is telling you about where you are resonating. Take it as a good sign.

Part of my job and gift is to hold a high vision of you steady. This assists you to come into resonance with that Truth. When you open to receive this to the best of your ability, Love can flow between us. That is really what is happening here.

What is success?

I hear it needs to be at least 80% of participants actively engaging.

My current perception in the last few sessions has been 20%.

20%-80% that’s a big gap in my field that I am attempting to bridge and bring into congruence! I own it.

I feel a looming deadline around this, which is why I am stepping up the communication around this piece. I perceive to be a win-win-win opportunity for us to embrace. That’s my perspective though and it may not resonate for you.

OH and…at this time my feeling is that if you already have a subscription, you are fine. Your monthly commitment is a different type of investment and I know that each of you approached your level consciously. But if you aren’t sure or want to talk about it, let me know.

Musings on Impact

If you can really release and let go and open to receive, you will feel better, your integration will be smoother, you will have released your resistance to receiving what is yours.

For the last few sessions I have perceived about 20% of participants zinging in their sweet spot, with clear gorgeous and sparkly flows resulting.

*I will gain clarity as we go and adjust as necessary. New clarity is coming in regularly, so you can expect to see and experience changes in the form.

In the big picture, regardless of how this goes, I’ll consider it a success for having tried it.

If things don’t shift into the higher flow that is available after some period of time, I’ll bid it adieu and shift. It’s likely I’ll find a way to pull out a similar opportunity again down the line, in some new way because it excites me, what I’m seeing, and I want to experience it. If it’s not yet time, if I can’t hold the invitation and communicate clearly, or not enough people are excited about it and engage, it won’t work.

In that case or for some other reason, I will work with the guides and the energy to determine the best path forward. You have seen me pull down monthly forms in the past (Full Moon Flow or Interdimensional Activism for example), and this is usually why. A gap develops when the growth of the group and the stability of the form become imbalanced. I usually attempt to pivot and re-align for a period of months or even years and historically keep going until the gap is too wide and the energy no longer is stable. Not all forms are meant to last forever. There is a season, a time. I do get a bit attached to the forms but it helps to think of it like turning over a garden bed.

AND you’ve seen amazing gorgeous programs and new forms emerge when that happens. Out of the turned over soil, a glorious new form emerges. These programs resonate at the new resonance and stability where the former group had begun to resonate, but couldn’t stabilize for one reason or another. (Your Personal Project and then The Human out of Interdimensional Activism, for example).

In this case I hope it is not a total garden bed turnover because I enjoy the clinics so much. But if that is what is called for I will let go and allow rebirth. Another scenario could be that at some point I’ll need to adjust the pricing structure to a more “normal” and ordered payment grid. I’ll do what is stable and balanced and optimal for all involved in accordance with the Divine Plan.

More about the self-determined pricing scale

This is not a needs-based sliding scale.

It is a layer of the clinic designed to empower you to master your own energy flow.

Use your skills to find the pure, free-feeling place where the exchange is joyful, it sings.

Feel into what you are wanting or needing to receive.

What shift do you sense or know that is available for you here?

Think about what you are wanting to create or shift in your life like shifting your base metabolism. Like losing weight or creating a business, a relationship, a family, it takes some energy input to create that new reality. How much energy depends on a lot of factors.

Human Clinics can help create optimal environments and conditions for the shifts that are next for you. They can illuminate and actually create connections and pathways for unlimited thinking, amplify positive aspects, reveal the truth, and clear the way for aligned and efficient next steps.

Participating in a clinic can open, clarify, illuminate connections that were not there before to draw the resources to you that you need, that are aligned with the highest and best for you and all involved.

Participating in a clinic may completely shift your point of attraction and seat of consciousness, and help you remember your Self and expand to comfortably own your authentic Power.

How do you value the experience?

My belief is we all innately know how to do this and we benefit from actively practicing. This is why it is a part of the offering of Human Clinic.

Can you use the self-determined pricing as a sliding need based scale? You are free to do that. Like everything in this life, you have free will. However, doing that is offering resistance. It’s missing one of the threads of the clinic, missing an alignment, connection that allows energy to flow. It’s a missed opportunity.

If you notice you have resistance, ask yourself What If? What if this was actually designed this way specifically for my personal benefit?

As you choose to tune your dial to this layer of the clinic, you might feel some clouds parting, some big light opening up. Choosing to engage with a pure heart and good intent to the best of your ability has the potential to clear the way and open pathways in other areas of your life related to exchange mirroring how it is in the higher planes of reality.

Use your own intuition, find the energy and feel into the sweetest feeling place.

Ask your soul, your higher self, your guides what is the sweet spot for you each time you sign up. You could ask what the sweet spot is for the next 6 months of sessions, if doing it every time feels like too much. If you join with a subscription, what level of subscription is the right level for you?

Use a pendulum - refer to the pendulum guide - or do muscle testing/kinesiology, or some other way that works for you.

You could try one level of exchange for one Clinic, and a different one for the next and see what you notice that month during and after the clinic. What felt better? What felt more aligned?

Valuing the clinics and classes

Money is energy in the Earth plane.

We are all on a path of mastery regarding our own energy systems,

and this includes money.

My experience is that there is objective value which I experience as a sweet spot of exchange where all involved feel balanced, happy, harmonized. There is a sweet spot where what we release is a match for what we are able to receive and digest.

When I price things, I look at the energy. What is the sweet spot? Where do I place the energy exchange so that optimal outcomes are experienced by all, including me?

What is stable, harmonized and balanced?

Sometimes the answer is a range, sometimes it is one specific number.

For the clinics, when I connected with all the souls who could benefit, and across time and space, I got a range. I also understood that part of this experience is an opportunity for participants to study their own energy exchange, opening to receive and understanding this dynamic of what do you need to release or give in order to open to receive and digest what is yours.

My understanding is that the range currently offered is a stable range across all the individuals who will find the clinics and participate over time. The range has already shifted, and will be adjusted as the group body shifts. This may reflect who is in resonance, how the individuals in the group are shifting.

Your optimal level or range is likely different than someone else’s.

Your level one session may be the same or different than the next one.

You might need to release more in order to open to receive all that is available for you. Or you might need to modulate and choose lower on the scale to match the sweet spot for you.

Ask your soul, your higher self, your guides what is the sweet spot for you each time you sign up. Or if you join with a subscription, what level of subscription is the right level for you?

Use a pendulum - refer to the pendulum guide - or do muscle testing/kinesiology, or some other way that works for you.

By design this is not a needs-based sliding scale.

It is a layer of the clinic designed to empower you to master your own instrument of giving and receiving.

Set your intention to find the sweet spot for you for your own optimal experience of receiving and digesting.

If you get a range that is stable for you, make a choice that feels right to you within that range.

If you have questions, let me know. And I hope you engage and enjoy this level of the clinics.

Let this be easy and fun.

We know exactly what to do. We create and ride an upward spiral.

Together we actualize and amplify a shared vision of Pure Love and Commerce.