Getting the most from classes and workshops
Have a question?
Post on Keys to Collective Mastery Facebook page or email your question and I will post an (anonymous) answer here.
I want to do evolutionary heart but...
*personal note from me. I am guided to write these things below about concerns, but before I do, I just want to say that if it's not for you, that's cool. I do not want anyone in this that it's not for, and there are filters in the energy to support this. If it is for you however, then I am holding out my hand and inviting you to step through.*
I don't have the money.
In my experience it's never about the money. If it's yours it's yours and if it's not it's not. It's clean and simple. You and your soul and guides know. At the human level there are payment plans to make it easier.
I already have plans
That's fine. You can pop in when you can. OR you can take the whole thing remotely. One participant has little kids and will be spending the day with his family. But he's in the energy and has been receiving all the energy support, and will have the videos and the journeys for when it's a better time.
It's too intense for me. It's too much for me.
If you really want to do it but it's not a good time or it's too intense right now, then you can do the following:
sign up before the 18th so you can watch the videos later on, and so that the journeys can be tailored to you and your next steps.
email me and let me know you are worried it will be too intense for you. The guides and I can include you at the very highest levels, but not the personality level. So that you can go into the material when it is right for you and go at your own pace. You could start it next month and take a year to go through it. Or start it in 6 months. Whatever.
Ask your guides to help you receive and digest what is next for you now, and ask them to help you pace yourself so that it is safe and comfortable for your system.
Just do Mend Your Heart for now. You can get the journeys later for Evolutionary Heart. You won't be included in the workshop energy, the journeys will not be specifically tailored for you, but that's ok! They will be powerful and when released down the line you can do mind-brain-heart when you are ready.
I'll be asleep when the workshop times are happening.
See above. It's Ok. You can connect with the other folks who are live in our private online social pod. You'll be included in the energy and can catch up in your own timing.
I haven't done Illumined Mind and Evolutionary Brain yet. Aren't those pre-requisites?
You get these when you sign up. If you took them already, you have a code from me in your inbox to cover the cost of the mind-brain part. If you didn't do them yet, it's fine. You can go through those after in your own timing. People go back again and again to work through course materials.
Remember, chicken and egg. Which is first for you? Just because mind-brain was first for some of us, doesn't mean it is for you. What if doing eheart first is your right way in?
I'm still not sure it's right for me.
Ask to connect with your higher self, your soul and divine self.
Ask to receive clear guidance. Ask to receive it 3 times, or in a way that you can understand.
And then let go and be happy with your choice!
I’ve got a question! Do we need to be live time for this? I’ll be at a wedding in Sedona that initial day and flying back the second day.
Good question. While it's ideal to be in person, no it's not required. As long as a few folks are in person we can do the workshop. You'll be included in all the transmissions and will get the video recordings of the sessions and the mp3 recordings of the journeys. In my mind, so much of the value is in the energy, in the way I set up the class and transmit on the inner planes. You are really good at participating remotely and are most welcome to join. And sorry you'd miss the in person, and a wedding in Sedona sounds fantastic!!! xxxx
In the last full day sessions, most folks attended the whole day live. But some were entirely remote, and others came for the morning or the afternoon, or for an hour when they could.
The other thing which I mentioned in an email to the Brain students but didn't put in the email to the list--is that with all of the scary chaos war covid climate experiences happening on earth, there is a collective experience around that. Many of my private clients have been talking about this, their empathy and experience of the collective in their own bodies, emotions, minds.
Part of my world service is to offer a steady tone of something else. To create connections for humanity to find new ways of being with themselves and with one another.
That "something else" does not exclude all of these things, but is alongside. Like a mother cradling a frightened child. When we come together in this way, when you jump into this stream and find the connections that are for you, together we amplify the beauty and develop the potential and focus on balance, harmony, divine principles for all sentient beings. For me it is a worthy way to spend time, focus, energy, money.
I'm setting the vector and the space, but everyone who joins adds mass and volume to that tone, and helps to extend the reach to the communities they are a part of, to the patterns that they resonate because of where they are in the world or their lineage or their purpose and who they are here to serve, etc.
On top of that, we get to be shored up and buoyed in the divine steadiness which helps our own peace, our own stability so we can heal and be available to give what we are here to give to our families or clients or gardens, and to receive what we need from our own Source, without being pulled out of alignment by the fear...I could say more but you get the idea. It's probably obvious but sometimes I like to state the obvious.
And so to be in a vortex like this while at a wedding, or while doing something else, how does that feel?
If you look at the energy of being at the wedding (or wherever) and in the vortex, and then look at or feel the energy of being there without, which feels better?
I think the answer could be either way, depending on you and the situation you are in. It's a lot of energy and that could be too much for some people to also have to be present in another context, and for some people it would be stabilizing, supportive and be a part of their purpose to be resonating in those energies while doing the other thing.
What if I can’t make the prep session live, but I can join the full day session live, for part or for all of it?
That’s fine! Normally, three will be a shorter prep session followed by a day cushion before the full day session. If you have time, it is ideal to catch up with the prep session video recording on the day before the full day. If you can’t, you can’t.
Alaya and her guides, along with your soul and greater consciousness all know that you are in the class vortex. You are receiving supportive transmissions and taking the course on the inner planes as soon as you sign up. If you can’t be in person for some or all of the sessions, as long as you are signed up before the prep session day, you will be included in the transmissions and will be ready for what’s next along with the class in person. It might take your personality some time to catch up, but you will be caught up at another level.
I hope that helps!
Is this right for me?
The best way to know if this is for you is to find a quiet place or moment to sit, close your eyes, and ask your higher self. For example,
“I ask to be connected to my higher self.
I ask to be connected to my soul.
I ask to be connected as my divine self.
Is this right for me?”
(wait. listen. feel. sense).
Notice how your body feels. Maybe you’ll hear a still quiet voice say yes or no. Maybe you’ll have an emotional feeling that feels uplifting and opening, or sense something more closed. Maybe you’ll see something with your third eye, or notice the light in the room shifting in some way. Be patient. Give it a little time to settle. If you still aren’t sure, ask for more clarity.
“Please help me to be clear if this is right for me. Please show me in three different ways that are kind to myself and others whether or not this is in alignment for me at this time. Thank you.”
There is also a free streaming meditation on the meditations page called Making Soul Choices.