Past Life Series

Strange how my heart beats…

Just like our subpersonalities may not have gotten the memo that a certain trauma has ended, so too our soul may have aspects stuck or holding onto beliefs or decisions made from a different time.

Accessing these aspects and bringing love, compassion and understanding can help to liberate these aspects, complete karma, upgrade understandings. Doing these things can completely transform your experience of health, relationships, money, home, and well, anything and everything in this life.

These classes will be a la carte. You can take as many as you want. You’ll have to have an open mind about what shows up, how it shows up, and what impact it has on your life. You can’t control this, nor would you wish to. Your soul and Divine Self are in charge of this.

On your journey to embodying your Divine Self, integrating all your parts is going to be essential. At one level, this means creating flow and harmony in the emotional, mental, and physical bodies, including subpersonalities. At another level, this means completing karma, healing, evolving, and integrating all your soul aspects.

What if you could reach back to a lifetime when you mastered a skill or a trade and bring through some of that knowledge and ability into your current pursuits and puzzles?

We'll focus on this as a group in the Skills and Talents session, but you can intend this for any of the sessions.

I have more stories than I can tell here and more than I even remember about this from my own life and client work. An example from my own life:

  • I had a wound on my CV17 point (on the breast bone right in the middle) that wouldn’t heal. I knew something was up with it. After a few months, I went to the doctor. She gave me a tube of ointment. Did I try it? Sure. But it did nothing. It wasn’t a huge wound, just a weird one that wouldn’t heal. Months later I went to a friend who is also a healer and we found a past life of mine where I’d been shot exactly in that spot, in that other body in that other life. There is a story to it that I won’t go into. But basically, that soul aspect didn’t know it was dead. It was stuck. We helped that part go to the light and within 24 hours the wound was healed. I do not exaggerate even a little bit here. No scar, no wound, just normal.

So it makes you think, is the past really the past? But I digress. Another topic for another day. This work is some of the most potent you can do so if you are curious or if you are stuck in your life in some area, give it a whirl and see what happens.

On your journey to embodying your Divine Self, integrating all your parts is going to be essential. 

At one level, this means creating flow and harmony in the emotional, mental, and physical bodies, including sub-personalities. 

At another level, this means completing karma, healing, evolving, and integrating all your soul aspects..”

— Alaya

Registration Closed

I recommend the whole series for a few reasons.

The more you show up, the better you will get at finding yourself in other incarnations, and the easier it will be to travel with the group, trust your experience, and create shifts with this exploration.

Also, getting better at this will go a long way to support your success with our Stuck & Dead session. My plan in that session is to target finding an aspect of your soul that is dead and doesn't know it and help that part go to the light. I do this all the time in privates and have never done it before with a group. We will go fast into the spaces and you will receive the benefit even if you are a bit lost, however, if you've been practicing, you are likely to enjoy it more. Your skill with this will not only benefit you but will also benefit the others in the group, the group as a whole. 

Don't worry if you don't know how, I will facilitate this. You will join and surrender. You may need to let go of your mind's need to understand everything. I expect it will go well, and the better you are at navigating these spaces, the better it is likely to feel for you. 

I'm looking forward to supporting you, sharing these processes with you, and spending time with you in these spaces. It should be fun. 

Hope to see you! 


p.s. Please attend live if at all possible. It’s OK to join if you know you’ll need to miss one or two. These sessions will be recorded for you, so you can participate when it works for you. There are two weeks between classes so you can catch up before the next one. The videos of each session will only be available and viewable for registered participants. If there is a self-study version in the future, it will not include live class videos.

As long as the link to purchase the series is visible, you may still sign up and receive all of the sessions, live or recorded. If you have questions or problems signing up, please reach out.

Allow 2 hours for each class

wait for the album

coming after the live classes complete late summer, early fall

With the whole series, you’ll receive the class audio and video recordings for the classes you missed. As of April 29th, you will receive Money, Wealth and Business and Love and Relationships as recorded Zoom class and mp3s to stream or download.

This option is available as long as the “buy the series” link is visible. This option will be removed before the Talents Knowledge and Skills class, before May 15th.

** now closed for registration**


Is this right for me?

The best way to know if this is for you is to find a quiet place or moment to sit, close your eyes, and ask your higher self. For example,

“I ask to be connected to my higher self.


I ask to be connected to my soul.


I ask to be connected as my divine self.


Is this right for me?”

(wait. listen. feel. sense).

Notice how your body feels. Maybe you’ll hear a still quiet voice say yes or no. Maybe you’ll have an emotional feeling that feels uplifting and opening, or sense something more closed. Maybe you’ll see something with your third eye, or notice the light in the room shifting in some way. Be patient. Give it a little time to settle. If you still aren’t sure, ask for more clarity.

“Please help me to be clear if this is right for me. Please show me in three different ways that are kind to myself and others whether or not this is in alignment for me at this time. Thank you.”

There is also a free streaming meditation on the meditations page called Making Soul Choices. It’s all the way at the bottom of the streaming meditations, you’ll need to scroll down to access that.