• Partnership with Masters and Guides

    To develop my own continuum of consciousness so that my guides and I can be closer in resonance and enjoy an even more fulfilling partnership

    To unshakably experience a connection with a guide or Master who is here to help me with my World Service

    To clear and awaken my senses, my knowing, my intuition, my vision, hearing and feeling senses so that I receive clear information from myself at the highest levels as well as from my guides.

  • Divine Family, Fertility, Gestation, Parenting

    Energy Stability for my baby and me during my pregnancy (a few of you I know are pregnant right now--yay)!

    To support my body's reserves, vitality, immunity while I am pregnant

    Energetic stability, alignment and connection with my baby who is still in the realms of light

    Unshakable clarity about My Divine Path of Motherhood, rhythm, process and timing, clear next steps

    Developing my own continuum of consciousness so that I can see and welcome my child as they are, at more and more levels

    To see clearly my child's purpose and know how to best support them

    To be a sanctuary for my child, to trust and know they have their own guidance as they navigate their life, to be clear about when and how much to step in or give them space as they individuate

  • Soul Love, Partnership, Community

    To open to receive and embody the love of my soul, to give and receive connection from this love

    To receive a clear vision of the community I am to co-create

    To receive the resources I need for the community I am to co-create

    To embody Divine Union and make a plan on the inner planes to meet my beloved

    To develop, harmonize and beautify the love and connection between myself and my partner (whether or not you have met or have been married or together for decades)

    To receive clarity about where in the world to live (maybe--where to base your community, where you are called to serve with others who will become your partner or community)

    To be the best I can be

    To love and accept myself as I am

    To love and accept others as they are

  • World Service and Life Purpose

    To be in the steady stream of the energy of my Divine Purpose for the entire Human Clinic transmission

    To receive clear next steps on living my life purpose

    To be open to receive the resources I need for my next steps of my World Service and Divine Purpose

    To embody more of my soul's light and love

    To beautify and clarify my offerings for those who are open to receive what I have to give

    To release the glamours, illusions and fogs that veil or block my ability to know (or fulfill) my Purpose

    To forgive myself and others for misunderstandings or misalignments due to my own and their acting and perceiving from within glamours, emotional fogs and mental illusions

    To align my World Service with the Planetary Logos, Solar Logos and Central Spiritual Sun

    To enjoy my life wholly and fully as I live in the joy of my Purpose


For a clinic my recommendation would be to pick ONE solid intention. 

I would not recommend more than three.

Choose one of those above or craft your own. 

Choose something that you are committed to and ready to integrate. 

Be honest with yourself about what is kind to yourself and realistic to integrate. 

Journal or talk with a friend about what it means to you before and after the session