Pet Clinic September 12 2023 - General Notes
Thanks for the trust and for joining our seventeenth pet clinic.
Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below. I will upload audio notes on soundcloud when possible. Listen to the notes on Soundcloud.
(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).
Join the core pack and never miss a session.
Today’s session:
19 animals including Mango
14 Dogs
5 Cats
The gallery is so awesome. Click and scroll to the bottom of the page to see them. It’s not always the same animals every session, but many do attend each month. If you do not see your animal there and would like for me to add them, email me.
Areas of the world represented:
Full year participants, 11 so far in the core pack:
Massachussetts, one dog Maizie
Liechtenstein, one dog Joy
Lille, France two cats Indie and Pinda
Connecticut, two dogs Luna and Ava
Bloomfield Township, MI, one dog Mango
Pasadena, CA one cat Ginger
Sacramento, CA two dogs Jane and Winston
Milton, VT one dog —Welcome LaRue to the core pack!
Also joining this session:
Silver Spring, MD two dogs Minnie and Coco
Bolton, VT one cat Angus
Central Coast, CA — one dog of unknown location to join a family in Central Coast (see the drawing!) Yet to be named!
Dexter, Michigan one dog Tucker
Seattle, Washington one cat & one dog Roosey and Bea
India, one dog Buddy
This is the picture as I was setting up.
This is the picture a few minutes later! Mango sat right on Bea and Coco, some photos are repositioned. :)
What a fantastic group! I’m off to a slow start today, getting settled, getting organized, gathering all the notes from each of you, easing into the energy with all of your animals. I feel and hear a sound vibration as I orient into the space.
More notes as the day goes on.
Ok so we are all still coming into the energy. It has a different feel today, deep, expansive and somehow “bigger.”
I can also feel a need to calibrate with the new spot where Mango and I are and the council and devas here. It’s like I needed to gently open the space and then wait, and settle, and wait. And then directly connect with them to calibrate and orient and receive a green light for rhythm and timing to proceed.
Also we have some new animals and some returning animals alongside the core pack and we have all been acclimating too. Gently and respectfully.
I just did a climate change balancer for them and it felt very important. We are an international crew and this climate change piece feels important today for them each, but also potentially for our group work. So many of you write in that your animals say that what they want for the session is to contribute, to join for World Service, and to be with their friends in Pet Clinic. And I’m curious if there will be more about the climate change today or if this is simply to support them and our growing Pet Clinic pack and family and the way the planetary and climate shifts are impacting them.
So, a “calibration to the now of the earth, as well as stabilizing in light of shifts in Humanity.” That came through as I was typing. More comes through as I tune into this coming through, I do believe this is Pan:
It’s important, Alaya, that you continue to offer this and your traveling to new destinations is also not a coincidence, but important. The specific wherabouts as you travel may not be as crucial as some of the regional aspects you are connecting with as you move around and connect with the core pack, these energies, and offer Pet Clinics to the animals and families who are drawn to join each month.
We invite all of the humans who are reading this to envision your own land, be it a farm that you have or will have, a lot where your apartment building is located, or something else—your home, your spot on Earth. Imagine it lighting up underneath your feet, like a golden disk under your feet. Imagine that light then traveling down into the earth until you feel a click where we are assisting you to connect with grid masters and leyline masters.
Use your imagination to allow your love to pour into that channel and say “Thank You” to the beings in the Earth who are assisting Earth and Humanity to stabilize the shifts that are upon you at this time in your human story.
Your animals are providing ballast for these changes, assisting your emotional selves to evolve and remain balanced (as balanced as possible). We in Nature understand (to some degree) the challenges you face as a species evolving on a planet that is evolving, and we are here to partner with you in these coming ages. That is yours to accept should you choose. And choosing will yield the kind of blissful adventure that lives in your fantasy stories and adventure tales.
Alaya is asking, “Can I write that? Is it guaranteed?” and we say no there is no guarantee that you will show up for your part and we can not guarantee your actions as a being of free will. We can assure our part of the bargain in meeting when met for grand creations and adventures.
OK I am going to do an energy session now, before reading the notes you sent as this energy is wanting to come through for your animals in partnership with your animals without the specific human generated focii.
I will go through all the notes after and may do a second energy session today. We’ll see. As guided.
Ha! I was re-reading my notes posted above and checking energy alignments regarding what I wrote in case there was anything to edit and heard, “We’re ready.”
More later.
2:15pm EST just transitioning from the big group energy portion to focusing on individuals. The group part was deep. Best word I have at this time is recalibration. An upgrade or attunement based on the shifts happening now. And I can see the benefit for that reason alone, in addition to all the other ones I’ve outlined before.
Also, there was a huge clearing of human thoughtforms and emotions from each and all of the animals. This was like sunlight clearing molasses. Slow and powerful and taking the time it takes. My interpretation of this is that it includes human mass thoughtforms of fear and confusion as well as anything along these lines in their personal ecosystems. That would include your home and neighborhood, city and beyond.
As the suggestion above about connecting with your spot, so to was it in the session that we worked on the local geographical areas. And because I have been to almost all of your locations—maybe not your home specifically, but your city or nearby there, this was also a pronounced part of the group session. An orchestration with Earth and energy flows or meridians of flow within and among and between locations of Earth.
I’m going to pivot to checking in with each one and will send your personal emails next.
3rd picture! LaRue joined the core pack and her mom sent me an updated photo. LaRue is between Pinda and Luna and Ava in the front row. Welcome, LaRue, to the core pack!
Thank you for joining Pet Clinic!
Alaya and Mango
Note about the core pack and monthly sessions. First of all, thank you for signing up for those of you with animals in the core pack. This has provided stability for me energetically and logistically and I am grateful.
Why monthly sessions?
In addition to the fact that your animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure.
They have formed a solid light together and work together
It is easier to work with them
They shift more easily and receive more
They get excited and look forward to the sessions each month
One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over a year ago told me she was ready to die, is doing well and that the vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems.
I think that is testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month.
I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.
Human Clinic is September 28th. Please sign up as soon as you know Human Clinic is for you. When you keep yourself clear and balanced, it helps your animals so much. They are relieved of needing to absorb some of those extra energies or patterns in service to you. Remember to take care of yourself too, which indirectly also takes care of all in your sphere including your pets.