Pet Clinic January 7 2024 - General Notes
Thanks for the trust and for joining our 21st pet clinic.
Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below. I will upload audio notes on soundcloud when possible. Listen to the notes on Soundcloud.
(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).
Today’s session:
18 animals including Mango
10 Dogs
7 Cats
Areas of the world represented:
Our founding core pack:
Massachussetts, one dog Maizie
Liechtenstein, one dog Joy
Connecticut, two dogs Luna and Ava
Sacramento, CA two dogs Jane and Winston
Milton, VT one dog La Rue
Wakefield, MA one dog Mango
Lille, France two cats Indie and Pinda
Pasadena, CA one cat Ginger
Seattle, WA one cat Roosey
Additional animals committed to joining all year:
Carlsbad, CA one dog Olive
Providence, RI two cats Dexter and Shadow
Central Coast, CA one familiar, yet to be reunited
Ottawa, CA one cool cat (also yet to be reunited)
Also in this session:
Seattle, WA one dog Beatrice
Welcome to first timers Olive, Dexter, Shadow and One Cool Cat!
Okay! Doozy already.
a lot of human interference! took a long time to clear and establish the (new) group body vehicle.
the importance, imperative —to take responsibility for clearing dissolving lower thoughts, emotions —it is no longer supported in the energy for them to hold and process this for us (humans).
This change has been coming. we have talked about this and worked on this in The Human and other courses and programs. During the session, it was like I was inside of arguments, worry thoughts and stuck emotions.
It’s because this is the energy the animals have been absorbing and holding. From my perspective, it blocks, overlays their natural radiance. And in order to help them release what they are holding for us, we need to transmute and beautify these things from the past, and learn to not create them in the present.
In past pet clinics this has felt very different to me. Yes I say that we do this every session, clear the energy they absorb which helps them heal themselves. Reconnect them with Source in every session. Yes.
This time it was more complicated, felt different, took longer to clear. It was difficult to find them —your animals essences at first—some were harder than others.
I experienced this in a way I haven’t. It was a kind of chaos, cacophony, particulate scenes like being in a kitchen and people arguing —that specific—and sounds and thoughts flying around until I could get them each and all stable in their essence, their light, steady and pure.
Once their energy fields individually were clear, there were upgrades to their nervous systems and then the group connection could form.
Once the animals were all clear with their essence shining through, they formed a gridwork. It looked like a spaceship or a big latticework potato pancake. I’ll call this the group vehicle.
Once the group vehicle was established it was pulsing light. I have the sense the packs and I will be interdimensional traveling in this vehicle but we’ll see (I hear yes). But for now there is a palpable (to me and to them and on the inner planes) emanation or pulse from that group body.
This is early days (yes) and we will be developing this.
It is why it is important to have a majority of the animals committed for a full cycle (year) and the formation of additional packs that looks like it will happen or begin happening this year 2024. It is a stable configuration we will continue to build on. I ask /hear if possibly all in the future will be required to be committed for a full year cycle? My understanding—this is being evaluated at the highest levels at this time.
Human side note:
This came through during the session and Pan is asking me to keep it in the notes.
It is imperative for we the humans to be proactive in clearing, evolving, dissolving our old energy, thoughts and patterns that do not hold the resonance and harmony of New Earth.
We humans can no longer expect to get away with this, to not be aware, to expect others to do this transmutation for us.
We can’t pretend we aren’t creators, creating in every moment.
Being in this experience with the animals and Nature I saw another perspective. It illuminated the impact not only on other human beings, on our collective ability to create Peace among us, but also on Nature.
It has been clear for me that any old energy I have put out there in the Universe is my responsibility to clear up. The kind and loving comes back to me, as does the not so harmonized. Calling my energy back and transmuting, beautifying. I’ve been working at soul and higher levels encompassing what I can find with Love, asking for forgiveness, forgiving others. I am specifically talking about thoughts and emotions. Every thought that was less than responsible, compassionate or kind.
Our energy comes back to us. We experience what we created in the past. This we know. Our present experience is a result from the energy we offered before.
The guides and my own higher self/divine self levels showed me again the crucial nature and purpose of Portals, and the purpose of nrg sessions for humans this year. From this level in my awareness I felt very strongly the importance of this program and these sessions.
This next phase as we move forward is marked by self-responsibility and autonomy or sovereignty that makes group work as well as partnership with Nature possible.
In Portals we are focusing on excavation to clear the way for our world service. During this first nrg part of Pet Clinic just now, I saw, felt and heard so clearly how, why this is what we are offering in 2024, and how it is a support for and in alignment with what is shifting between Nature and Humanity.
Into the Cave can help to untangle thoughts and emotions and support this process of being steady in the divine light, clearing what is not that.
If we do not do this work, the kind of cacophony and stuck energy I just experienced will be more the norm and it is from my perspective against divine flow and divine plan. We must actively join what is happening and do our part, play our role.
See it as an opportunity. Choose to embrace it. Because it is an opportunity. It is what we incarnated for in this time period. (at least one reason) To develop our gifts and to play a part in this divine orchestration.
When I first started the session I heard something from the animals that I will share with you here.
I set the recorder down and entered more fully the energies again and many beings of light streamed (flooded) into the space and I grabbed the recorder to capture what I was seeing. You’ll hear in my voice I’m really in the energy, and then some of the beings working with pet clinic spoke to me and it is recorded here.
For some of you, Pet Clinic may mostly or solely be about the communication with your animal, the behavioral requests or health concerns. For many of you, for me and for them, however, it is about World Service. If you have not already pivoted toward that orientation, it is available. I am still offering the personal notes for Pet Clinic, it is my joy and pleasure to offer it and they like that too. It’s just not the primary benefit.
Here are three intentions from founding core pack animals. When asked by their owners directly if they had anything to say or ask for regarding Pet Clinic, this is what they communicated:
It is important, it is stable. Thank you.
The cats are very happy to see you again (and the whole pack!) and start this new year of Pet Clinic and World Service 💕 I get rapid flashes of Gaia and Pan and all living and all soulful beings all interrelated. Also water bodies and beings.
They tell me world service, grids and portals, and the portal in our home. Also Clearing where and when needed.
Pet Clinic! I am so ready. I want to be with my team and serve with my team. To support new comers. To serve and support earth and humanity to experience peace and harmony. To work together with the energy.
I have worked with your animals one by one and have sent your personal notes.
Thank you for joining Pet Clinic!
Alaya and Mango
NEXT PET CLINIC February 7th, 2024
Why monthly sessions?
In addition to the fact that your animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure.
They have formed a solid light together and work together
It is easier to work with them
They shift more easily and receive more
They get excited and look forward to the sessions each month
One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over a year and a half ago told me she was ready to die. Now this dog is doing well. The vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems.
If you read the notes from our August session, one of our core pack cats had a diagnosis of only days or weeks to live with a grim outlook on symptoms and quality of life in that time period. He wasn’t going upstairs or outside any longer. In that session, the core pack and all animals circled around the cat to focus light on him and send him off well. Instead, the cat used the light to heal. It is now October and the report is as follows: Everybody has been telling me how good and healthy he seems to be. I have to agree that he does look better than the whole of last year 😅 he has been more active since last clinic, and going outside again for the last couple of weeks . He had been asking in earnest for ten days and getting agitated. (Update: he is still with us in November).
I think these experiences are testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month.
I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.
Monthly NRG for Humans on Zoom is January 17th. <—-sign up link
When you keep yourself clear and balanced, it helps your animals so much. They are relieved of needing to absorb some of those extra energies or patterns in service to you. Learn more about these sessions here.
Remember to take care of yourself too, which indirectly also takes care of all in your sphere including your pets.