Pet Clinic October 24 2022 - General Notes

Thanks for joining our sixth pet clinic!

Today was different. Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Today was a bit of a marathon. There aren’t a lot of personal notes, but I will send you what I have. Group notes below. Enjoy!

6:10 PM EST—I sent each of you a personal note with audio notes. Please let me know if you did not receive yours. I worry sometimes that the mail will block the audio files. I sent one to each of you.

Notes October 24 2022 Pet Clinic:

Gathered today:

10 animals including Mango

6 Dogs

4 Cats

The gallery is so awesome. It’s not always the same animals every session, but many do attend each month. (scroll to bottom of page) If you do not see your animal there and would like for me to add them, email me.

Areas of the world represented:


S California


New York

Lille, France

N California

Washington State


I’m just making my transition out of pet clinic. We began at 10am EST, it’s 2:43 PM EST as I type, and I’m not quite finished. Mango and I just took a quick walk and that helped to integrate the energy and move into this closure phase for the day. I do have a meeting at 3pm so I’m trying to get some general notes up before that time, as I know you are curious to hear what clinic was all about today.

As I opened up the session, all the animals wanted to talk first. First as a group, then one by one some more than others. They all gathered together as in a circle or other pattern, and said there are many animals that would like to join pet clinic. I asked if they meant that their owners needed to sign them up or if they meant animals in general or something else. It was sort of all of that, but the take away I got was all animals, the collective animal “soul” or consciousness here on Earth, the aspect of Nature that is the animal kingdom.

I say to them, “Yes?” (as in, did I get that right"?)

And I see and hear the animal equivalent of jubilant cheers. :)

We worked a lot on the effects of human emotions, unintegrated energy, and thoughts that fling about. The way this is a thick cloud all around them (and us! more about that later).

We spent a lot of time helping each one clear that fog that is around them, releasing any of that from tissues or organs or systems in their body.

The ones who have illnesses were given special attention and care to release in a gentle way, to purify the blood, to heal them. I’m so curious what your vets will say. I really feel they are healed so, let’s see.

Then many many kinds of animals came in. Herds, packs, pods, schools, etc. Many, many animals.

At one point, one of the dogs who often leads the way, goes first, tells me what to do—this is the dog in Liechtenstein—she took on a new pink energy bubble around her. I was told this would help to keep her energy and physical body cleared from this fog-like energy. Then each of our animals in our little group —and boy were we small and mighty this month!—each one then learned how to have this bubble too. One at a time.

And then, all the animals on the Earth received this opportunity, this bubble.

And I understood again that Nature’s role with Humans is updating.

We spent some time and I helped them understand how it is for Humans, taking on this energy, thinking it is ours, causing suffering, illness, blocking our True Selves, creating disharmony and disease. They knew this on one level, but they understand it much much better now. And they also now know it is not theirs to take it on. They still wanted to help. And we explored and I was seeing new ways to partner with Nature to clear that energy together. Neither taking it on, neutrally clearing it in partnership.

I did also receive a pink bubble. As we too are animals. And so I am wondering if this might be an upgrade available for you simply by being their owner, to ask for this. I get a yes on that. And we can also look at this in Human Clinic if you wish. But I am getting you also received this today if it was in accordance with your Divine Plan and you and your Soul wanted it. I’m getting that you all accepted this.

You likely know I work with souls in the realms of light who would like to incarnate and join a family. Many of them are incarnating with familiars (animals they know or who they are choosing to co-create a life with). Mango was incarnated as my first cat when I was ages 4 to age 22. And now she is my dog since 2014. And we have shared many (maybe all) of our incarnations and will continue on together like this. We are like a binary star, distinct energies but more balanced, happy, effective together. Like that. For many of you, these animals in Pet Clinic fall into that category.

So these souls (babies) in the realms of light—and there are more than I could ever count. Billions? They joined in and worked with us as well. Because they are the new Way, they are bringing the new ways of being. So they joined in this co-creation, re-patterning too, so that they come in with these understandings of partnering with Nature.

This was a very powerful session. It took everything I had to give all day, and Mango too. Interestingly, Mango also joined this one as a dog, as a participant. Usually she is on the energy generating side with me but today she also needed to receive. After some energy work on her, she told me what she wants, (I showed her past people who have worked on her and gave her a choice of type of practitioner).

If I have individual notes for you I will send them next. Thank you again for joining Pet Clinic! For your support of your animals, of me and Mango, and of all animals, Nature, Earth and beyond.

Have a wonderful month! I love hearing your stories. Comment below or send me an email. Don’t wait to sign up—don’t forget just sign up now. The sign up is available now if you know you want to join. Otherwise, mark your calendar and set up a reminder a couple days before so you don’t miss it.


Reading Erica’s notes reminded me of another part of the session. We have done this before with them in Pet Clinic but we did it again and it is worth sharing. Each one connected with all of their lifetimes. I was seeing so many images of dogs, cats, horses, more. Some of these lifetimes were with you.

Each one was creating clarity and congruence, remembering All they Are, healing, integrating, being and becoming. And then there was a clear connection with themselves outside of the Earth plane/realm to their Source, like so many stars with so many lines of light connecting with them here, in this body, this life, this time on Earth.

And hearing your feedback, reading your notes. How present and appreciative they are. Do you see the light in their eyes? Do you hear them and see them more clearly? How is this impacting your bond with them? I’m so curious and hearing from you is wonderful. Thanks all and thanks Heidi and Erica for sharing your experiences thus far. It enriches the experience for me for sure, and I imagine for all the other humans involved.

NEXT PET CLINIC Monday November 21 10am EST 2022


Human Clinic November 11 2022 - General Notes


Human Clinic October 10 2022 - General Notes