Human Clinic September 12 2022 - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

In this session

21 Humans including me

Countries and States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Northern California (Sacramento)

Southern California (LA, Central Valley)


France (Lille)

Rhode Island (Providence)

India (Rural Mumbai)

Ontario, Canada (Ottawa)

Washington State (Seattle)

Washington DC

New York

Greece (Crete)


Colorado (Denver)

Group Notes from Alaya

10am—Starting! Connecting with each of you at your Divine Self level and more.

11:37 AM

Hi all—I’m about halfway through the individual portion of our session. I’m creating voice notes for you and am emailing them or texting them to you as I go. I needed a little water and snack break so thought I’d add this to your notes. Once I’ve finished with that for each of you, I’ll lie down for the nrg portion.

Great so far! Stay tuned…

1:00 PM

I’ve just finished with all of your personal audio notes! I hope you received them and found them useful. If you did not receive yours let me know and I will re-send or find another way to deliver them to you.

Next, I’m lying down for the group nrg part of the session…Stay tuned.

Themes of our session included:

For all:

You at the level of the Divine Self, Greater Consciousness, yourself in the realms of light, star being, guides level creating pathways of stable and harmonized connection with your personality and body, earth-life self.

The soul as an elixir-rich, color and frequency-rich body of nourishment and interface.

Healing the physical levels, creating safety and surrounding with love so that you can open to receive more of your light, beauty, power and greatness, your who-you-really-are and who you have come here to be, and what you have come to create, express, share and enjoy.

For the Masculine, and those of you who identify as Men—

Allowing and Trusting your Authentic Power. I’m capitalizing all of these words because I mean these as the highest expression of these qualities. The Divine, the God aspect of you, and of these qualities.

Finding, imagining, perceiving, knowing the column or pillar pole of light in your core. Letting that bring you into alignment with this power as you connect with the Earth and with your Highest Presence in the realms of light.

Freedom of being, and integrated wisdom from your ancestors, and clearing all that is not love away.

It is safe for you to embody and own your power. You can trust yourself to responsibly exercise and express your power through love-making, through expressing power and vitality through sex with Love that may feel or look different than “love-making” (which can conjure romanticized ideals of sex).

You can trust yourself to responsibly exercise and express your power through art, creative expression, music, offerings of love, teaching, business, creating —your power expressed into the Earth plane, and the ways that you create sustenance, abundance, and the ways you provide for yourself and your family.

For the Feminine within you, and particularly for those of you who identify as Women:

For almost all of you if not all of you we worked with loving the scared or stuck parts and finding the safety of your soul and greater consciousness, your connection with Gaia and her body, and helping you to fill in and expand.

For those of you who are pregnant or who are expanding and readying for a first child or more children, your children either in your body or preconception as light (as opposed to those you have already birthed into being) came in quite strongly and we helped you to comfortably expand and harmonize, stabilizing all that you stretch (as your body stretches too to make room and accommodate) so does your energy body—so we supported you figure that out and find comfort and harmony and dynamic-fluid stability (because you will continue to stretch—it is not stagnant).

Feeling safe to receive Love and to expand into your beauty and love.

For the Children:

For the children in the session, the theme was to know themselves as their big energy, their light, and to find ways of feeling safe and free and integrated and whole as they are in a body, as they interact with and interface with all of the energies that they may be aware of and sensitive to in the outside world. To find more freedom, safety, definition of a boundary —as expanded as it is—that it is theirs and pure for them, safe for them, as they move out into the world as they grow and need to interact more with the outer world independently. More than this but these are the words that come. I’ve sent individual notes for your child.

So much love for you all. Thank you so much I love connecting with you in this way. Please let me know how you liked audio notes (or if you didn’t, tell me that too).

Please share this experience or opportunity with others you think will love, benefit and enjoy it. Thank you!

Until next month…

Mark your calendar or sign up now:

Next Clinic - Sunday October 9th 10am Full Moon!

Participants- you are invited and encouraged to post your experiences below by commenting, and to cheer on and support your fellow participants if that floats your boat. OR, you can just enjoy, receive and experience in your own private way. Your choice.

Thank you!

p.s. Would one of you who is successfully signing up multiple family members be willing to share your process of how you are doing this? Either post in the comments or if you prefer to be anonymous please email me and I will add it here. Someone tried to do this and it wasn’t working for them. Thank you so much!


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