Human Clinic August 24th 2023- USA - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

In this session

13 humans including me

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Brooklyn, New York


Takoma Park, Maryland

Lille, France

Los Angeles, California

Ridgefield, Connecticut

Woburn, Massachussets

Group Notes from Alaya

How’s it going? I’m looking forward to reading about what you all are experiencing.

The light is brilliant, so so bright.

In this session we have some very bright kids, including a newborn and two gestating. Such a blessing. As I opened the spaces for us today, there was a special space for the children, in resonance with the Central Spiritual Sun.

I can feel how the kids have formed and continue to evolve their connections with one another, and how cool it is to witness and watch them grow up. It’s one month at a time here in Human Clinic, but like Pet Clinic, it becomes a palpable and powerful configuration over time. Add to that that all of them in this group today have been in these clinic sessions or in group programs together, some from when they were very little, and some since before they were conceived. Meaning, some were included in these sessions and/or our group programs when they were still in the realms of light.

Also, the healing tables and guides, the portal or room in connection with Shamballa, and more. Those are some distinct areas I am aware of in the sessions.

During the session I was connecting with you as I do at the levels of Divine Self, guides and you at guide-level resonance, soul, higher self, and in some cases as appropriate, physical, emotional, mental, cellular, atomic, etc. Your souls are in charge of how you use this energy and spaces that my guides and I open. Your guides, your councils join as appropriate and work with you during the session.

During part of the session I was drawn to the energies of Divine Will. I held these clearly as I connected with each of you.

At another time as I was transitioning from holding the Masters, Guides, Shamballa energies very clearly for you I was about to shift out of that focus and heard “wait” while you received symbols. I received one too that I put into my heart. If you weren’t /aren’t aware of this now consciously, just stop reading for a moment, close your eyes, and ask to be shown your symbol. Just breathe and sit patiently. If you don’t get anything consciously you can either just know that you received what you needed and move on, or you can ask before you go to bed again to consciously receive your symbol. If this feels important to you, once you have it you can play with it daily. Draw it, meditate on it, work with your guides with it. It contains consciousness specifically for you that will open and unfold for you in divine timing.

The energy was so bright and so expansive today. One of the things I was curious about and inquiring about/working with today is how do we stay sane, how do we acclimate and keep ourselves centered in all of this blinding bright light. How does it become less blinding, more assimilable?

We looked a bit at our energy body cocoons, the right size and configuration or ways to organize ourselves so that we are open to receive the light, and able to use it and function and keep moving forward.

One of the memories I’m having about this is about being gracious with ourselves. The idea that we are amphibious, in the midst of a great evolutionary wave on the planet and within our own consciousness and species. So, maybe it’s just going to be messy or frightening at times. In the session today I had a new understanding and Peace around this.

For me that felt like letting myself off the hook for always getting it right. It’s along the lines of humans are beautiful and perfect as we are, humans make mistakes, you are loveable as you are kind of thoughts. But it’s beyond that, at least how it’s functioning for me.

Maybe growing pains and growth spurts from a human developmental perspective is a better analogy. Teens want so much to do it on their own and to be grown ups, they are so excited to explore the world that is opening up to them (or a bit shy and scared of it). And, it can be a needy developmental phase.

The guides and Masters, many beings of light are right here helping us. Remember to invite and allow them.

A teen is no less worthy of love and kindness or assistance simply because of the developmental phase they are in or because they are challenged to manage their sexual energy and emotions and new social situations.

What we are facing as challenges are unique to the evolutionary phase we are experiencing. We can be hard on ourselves or resist the changes. or we can realize we are growing. We are worthy of receiving love and support. We can consciously open to receive the help from these angels, guides and Masters who have gone before us and who have a clearer perspective and are in a position to help.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic.




Pet Clinic is September 12th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. Some of the notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - September 4th 2023


Answering the Call


Pet Clinic August 10 2023 - General Notes